
Blacksmith Plover


Blacksmith Plover Fast Facts

  • Location: From southern Kenya, through central Tanzania across to Angola and down to the most southern tip of South Africa
  • Habitat: Inland and marine grasslands and wetlands
  • Lifespan: 10 - 18 years
  • Diet: Insectivore
  • Length: 30cm
  • Weight: 170g


The Blacksmith Plover is also known as the Blacksmith Lapwing. They found in wetland areas of south Africa up through Tanzania and Kenya. They apparently get their name from the "tink, tink, tink" alarm call they make, which resembles the noise of a blacksmith working. They have a specially adapted wing which develops a spur, they use this to aggressively defend their chicks from predators that may raid their ground nests. Breeding season is generally in the spring, and nests will be located near a water source. Just like the other five species of lapwing, they have the red eyes and bold plumage which is thought to be a warning to predators.



They feed on terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates.



The blacksmith plover generally breeds in spring, they will create a shallow scrape on bare ground or short grass for the nest, and lay up to 4 eggs. The nest is always close to water. They will agressively defend their nest from other birds in the area.


Threats + Conservation

This species is considered least concern, due to their widespread range.


Fun facts

They have a spur on their wing joint. They have red eyes.


Blacksmith Plover Gallery


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